The main organization provides synergy between projects. All activities are directed towards improving the profession of management through research, acquiring/sharing/connecting deeper and related understanding, and challenging existing assumptions and knowledge. These activities are the foundation for achieving greater productivity, effective administration, and smooth operations in industry, education, and government.
The Deming Cooperative conducts business with a minimal infrastructure and expense. Income is primarily through project/event fees, supplemented by donations, partnerships and volunteers. There are no paid direct employees. Various projects are spearheaded and managed by people passionate about the project and willing to selflessly contribute at no fee.
Board of Directors
Dave Nave
Graduate Deming Scholars MBA Program, Advisory Board - The W. Edwards Deming Institute, Seattle Deming Study Group
Dr. Joanne Tritsch
Graduate Deming Scholars MBA Program, Adjunct Professor - Mary Baldwin University, Professor - University of Phoenix,
Lisa Nave
20 yeas of customer service experience, from business to consumer (B2C) and business to business (B2B). Providing an outside view and balances the needs of participants with the plans and activities of the organization.
Jim Chandler (Willing Worker)
Former President - Deming Management Alliance of Southern California, TQM/TQL Director & Graduate of the High Performance Organization program - Naval Warfare Assessment Center, Spiral Dynamics Wizard in Training
+1 951.334.2303 {preferred} or
The Journal - Dr. Joanne Tritsch
An online and open reviewed Journal
for academic and management science
publication relating to Dr. Deming’s
management thinking and philosophy.
Scholar-Practitioner Seminar - Dave Nave
Exploring relationships between his ideas
and those of others who have advanced
theory and knowledge for the governance
of organizations and those who experience
application of these ideas.
Oral History - Dave Nave
Capture, archive, and make available
video and audio recordings of
experiences with Dr. Deming himself
and with the application of his ideas.