This section contains a list of biographies of Dr. Deming and where to get them. Books listed here focus more on Dr. Deming as a person than on his theories.

Deming: The Way We Knew Him
edited by Frank Voehl (Saint Lucie Press, 1995)
Deming Management at Work
by Mary Walton (Perigee, 1991)

The Keys to Excellence: The Story of
the Deming Philosophy
by Nancy R. Mann (Prestwick Books, USA, 1985)
The Deming Management Method
by Mary Walton (Putnam Publishing, New York, 1986)

Dr. Deming: The American Who Taught
the Japanese About Quality
by Raphael Aguayo (Fireside Book, NY, 1990
The Man Who Discovered Quality
by Andrea Gabor, (Random House, 1990)

The World of W. Edwards Deming
by Cecelia S. Kilian (SPC Press,Inc., Knoxville, TN, 1992) Ceil (as the author is known) writes as
secretary, assistant, friend, and confidante of Dr. Deming. She worked for him for 39 years.