Situations Method Questions to Ask Business
General Guidelines
Compelling Stories are considered any story someone has about Dr. Deming or his teaching. It could be about hearing the ideas for the first time. About trying to figure out what the heck he was talking about. Or about their attempt to incorporate one of Dr. Deming’s ideas. The story could even be about how one of the speaker’s acquaintances, colleagues, or friends, experiences. Any story that you believe might of interest, instructive, or informative. There is no presumptions the speaker ever met, seen, talked to, or attended one of Dr. Deming’s seminars.
There are three situations where ‘Compelling Stories’ are collected:
- Casual Conversation - an unplanned conversation & uncontrolled environment - coffee house, at an unrelated conference, at dinner, professional organization meeting.
- Pre-arranged with minimal equipment - Office, hotel room, home type environment where some of the environment can be controlled
- Web camera or laptop computer - The speaker setups up everything
The most important part of recording a video is the AUDIO! The story is in the audio. The viewer should clearly hear the storyteller, as well as see the non-verbal communication (see Recording Tests video below). If the viewer is forced to work hard to hear the story, they will not stick around to understand the message.
Starter questions (suggestions):
If you need something to start the conversation here are a few suggested questions. Feel free to ask others:
Video Over Internet
Do NOT record from SKYPE, GoToMeeting or any other internet streaming source. These services use variable frame rates, while sufficient for conversations and meetings, the recorded files do not allow for editing.
Phone & Tablets
Use camera away from screen. Do Not use the ‘selfie’ camera.
Lighting Diagram
This is only an example. Adapt to your situation
- Tell me the story about how you first learn about Dr. Deming? What was your first impression? Skeptical? Intrigue? Inspired?
- What difference did it make in your life? Professional and Personal?
- What was your 'ah-ha' moment, where the pieces came together and you saw things in a new way? What did you understand differently?
- What do you consider the most important thing you learned from Dr Deming’s ideas?
General Guidelines for recording
- Find a quite place to record
- Bare walls produce echo, which distracts from the message
- Sit away from air vents, microphones pickup air movement noise
- Turn off phones, and any other distractions or interruptions
- Use external microphone when available (highly recommended), Preferably a lapel microphone with an extension cord for convenience.
- Place camera lens at eye level or slightly above. Use books on the table if necessary.
- Watch your lighting
- Pay attention to shadows
- Pay attention to what is behind the speaker
- Be careful of bright window, especially behind the speaker
- Watch out for partially or unevenly light backgrounds
- Light the speakers face evenly, if possible

- Learn the ‘Rule of Thirds’: Divide your frame into thirds. Place the interviewees eyes on the upper third line, with to the right or left third line.